So.... the newest member of the Sperry Family made her debut 2 weeks ago today... on Friday the 13th (which was her actual due date)! Lucia Joy Sperry came out at record speed around 2 AM weighing in at 7 lbs 7ozs, measuring 20 inches long. As my mom points out, she may have come on Friday the 13th but she was 7, 7!

Around 11pm on the 12th, I had a nice big bowl of chocolate ice cream on top of a banana (mmmmmm) and then we went to bed and briefly wondered out loud when we thought Baby Girl #2 would decide to come. A half hour later I got my first contraction. Rob was contentedly asleep, so I waited about 20 minutes, having had a few contractions about 4 minutes apart and then woke him up. He encouraged me to try to lay down and sleep a little. So an hour later after not sleeping even a little!, I woke him up again and told him it was time. When we got to the hospital, I was deemed too far along for any talk of epidurals and she was born 40 minutes after my hospital admittance time, just like her sister.

Both my girls came on their due dates and at record speeds. They are very prompt and when they decided it was time, there was no messing around, they meant business! Both of them gave us almost no time to get to the hospital! A short labor is NOT the ideal labor, let me tell you. It feels like a big shock to your body, there is no time to adjust.

We have really been enjoying little Lucy. Lexi LOVES her little sister and is so nurturing with her. She gives her kisses and hugs all the time and likes to help Mommy and Daddy take care of her. She gets concerned when Lucy cries and tells us about it immediately. They are both such a gift.

Slowly but surely I'm putting the newest pictures up on Picasa...

In other news, the 4 of us will be participating in the March for Babies again this year, on May 3rd at Camden Yards. If you'd like to donate on our behalf, thanks in advance for your help, it is much appreciated. You can visit our donation page online to submit your contribution:

We hope this finds everyone well, and we'll try to get those newborn pictures up as soon as we can!

Stacey, Rob, Lexi & Lucy

4 Responses to "Lucia Joy Sperry & March For Babies"

  1. Mommy Kennedy Says:

    Yeah! I'm so happy for you!!!!

    Marcy, John, Jack, Katie and Will

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Been thinking about you all often. Thanks for the update!

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Opps...that was me...JAMIE!!

  4. Unknown Says:

    Congratulations! Natalie and Louis

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