GIRL! we had our 3d/4d sonogram today and it is confirmed we have another little girl on the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was so cool. and our families got to watch it live with us from their own homes and talk to us the whole time. our friend tricia joined us for our appointment, too. it was great having her there next to me. daddy and lexi watched and played together with lexi's babydoll while she wore her "I'm a Big Sister" shirt. the sonographer confirmed more than once that she saw it was a girl. i love these sonogram experiences because they show and explain everything to you. we took home a dvd of the session and 52 pictures (yes, i will promptly upload all of them to our family photo website on picasa)! baby sperry smiled a whole lot. she seems to be a very content little girl, snuggling against mommy and smiling the whole time. shy and modest too, like her sister. lexi had so much fun playing with daddy and her doll she giggled through much of the session and it seemed like baby sperry could hear her. at this stage of pregnancy, the fetus's hearing has already been developed and she seemed to be responding to hearing her sister having all that fun. we are so excited to be able to imagine lexi and her baby sister together. lexi really, really loves other babies, and takes care of her babydolls so well everyday. she also helps mommy and daddy take care of the kitties and becomes concerned if she sees them meowing on the other side of a baby gate or begging for food. she has some Big Sister books, and we tell her all the time that mommy's big tummy means there is a baby in there and then she promptly points to her own tummy or daddy's tummy and says "baby!" so we're really not sure how much she understands about what's going on, but she understood today while looking at the sonogram images, that that was a baby she was seeing! so i guess this means we don't need to go out and stock up on boy clothes or paint over the purple color in the baby's room! rob and i are both ecstatic at the realization of having another sweet little girl to love. and its great to finally share the awesome news with you guys. :)

happy 2009!
mommy sperry

8 Responses to "let's try this again. it's a .... !"

  1. Anonymous Says:

    G'ma & G"pa A are excited too. We went out to lunch after the sonogram and were discussing how we were soon going to have another cute little granddaughter and how cute the two of them will be together. :-)

  2. Cynthia Says:

    Awwwww congrats!!!! Lexi's gonna be a big exciting!

  3. Unknown Says:

    Grandma Pat & Great-Grandma are thrilled. It was so cute to hear Lexi giggling and see the new baby react to her squeals~

  4. Jeshka Says:

    Hey Silly Sperry's---that's GREAT NEWS!!!! I'm so happy you guys finally got to find out today! That's so sweet to hear that Lexi was having such a fun time and that it seemed as if the new little one could almost "hear" Lexi having so much fun. Well, I'm glad to hear that everyone is happy and healthy and FEMININE!!! hahahha. I'll look forward to the pictures and as always, keep the posts coming!

  5. Jeshka Says:

    P.S....What on earth is Rob going to do now? Limiting Lexi to not dating until she is 30 is hard he's going to have another heart breaker on his hands!!! Should be fun to hear about........

  6. Anonymous Says:

    Awesome!!!! -dave-

  7. Unknown Says:

    Great news! Congratulations Sperry family!!!
    Natalie & Louis

  8. Mommy Kennedy Says:

    Congratulations!!!! Can't wait to see you guys (and girls)! Visit my blog too at

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