Hello! LOTTA new photos up! Check Picasa! A few more at the end of the 7 month album, the whole 8 month album is new, and the 9 month album is in progress.

Lucy is now 10 months old! She is beginning to stand up without support for a few seconds at a time. Watch out, she will turn into a toddler soon before our very eyes! I want my baby back! She's got 8 teeth and working on more. She is very active and eating a good variety of solid food and can feed herself some.

Lexi is getting ready to go to preschool, definitely come September, but hopefully now if there is an immediate opening someplace we like. Mommy and Lexi have been researching and visiting a bunch of schools in the area. She is SUPER excited for school, really wants to jump right in and hates when we have to leave having only visited not played. She wants to play with only Mommy of course. Should be interesting when she actually goes for real and Mommy has to turn around and walk out! She is getting more and more independent. She'll be transferring mid-session to the next class up in gymnastics, from Mommy-&-Me to a class with just the kids and teacher.

She is continuing with speech and making strides in that too, but since she is TURNING 3 NEXT MONTH (!!!) she will have to transfer out of the Infants & Toddlers program and into the public county school system, so we have been to the local elementary school (Chapel Hill! I hear its great!) a few times for meetings in preparation for her attendance soon after her upcoming birthday. Wow, already going to her elementary school. Making Mommy feel really old.

We've had a series of sicknesses here lately. Lots of ear infections and a bout of pneumonia for Lucy. :( Mommy and Daddy inevitably catch everything as well, so that's been all kinds of fun. We've also been working very hard at getting both girls to actually sleep, at night. While we have been doing that, the girls have been working at NOT sleeping at night. It was all very counterproductive there for a little while, putting us adults in bad zombie moods during the day, and the kids in overtired, super active moods at all hours. However, we have developed a system which we have stuck to, and I'm happy to say I've gotten a few nights of pretty good sleep here lately, which has left me more time and energy for uploading the millions of pictures that are now online for your viewing pleasure! Enjoy!


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